Netflix‘s new series Country Comfort is basically a modern-day, Nashville-set takes on The Sound of Music. So, it’s not surprising it got both countries, musical, and drama fans hooked up. But, will we go down the road of the country once again in Country Comfort Season 2?
Well, sing your hearts out as we will tell everything y’all need to know about Country Comfort Season 2 through smiles and tears!
Will there be Country Comfort Season 2?

Unfortunately, Netflix (Spinning Out) has decided not to renew Country Comfort Season 2. Deadline announced the cancellation of Country Comfort along with a host of other Netflix original comedy programming.
It’s not surprising that Netflix (The One) is struggling with comedy shows such as Country Comfort Season 2 other than Dave Chappele stand-ups that always make around in the news for being controversial or getting him “cancelled” for the fifth time. Even though Country Comfort is a critic darling and have won Emmy, it seems it wasn’t enough to save the show from the chopping block.
There were worrying signs we may not see the renewal of Country Comfort Season 2. The show dropped out very quickly from the top 10s around the globe. It only survived in the US top 10s for 10 days. For renewals, we traditionally need to see the show survive in one region at least for 30 days.
The decision to axe Country Comfort has been hinted at previously according to Eddie Cibrian post on Instagram. Eddie wrote, “We are getting so close to finding out about what y’all have been asking for…Season 2!! So, this weekend we need all you Country Comforters (just made that name up) to watch, rewatch, tell others to watch and rewatch, so we can make the decision for Netflix and Netflix Family an easy one!”
So yea, quite unfortunate. But it is what it is.
How could Country Comfort Season 2 even looked like?

Unfortunately as the show is cancelled without even giving a room for a movie or an encore-season, we have no idea what the story and cast might be if Netflix decided to change their minds after Dave Chappelle lived off his usefulness in the comedy category.
As a show about a the personal life of a nanny Beau whose life turned upside down after her career took a stepback ended up with an aspiring country singer Baily who takes the job as her nanny. The previous nine nannies struggled to contend with Beau’s five children, but Bailey’s addition fills the mother-shaped hole missing in their lives. Beau’s musically talented family may also be exactly what Bailey needs to get her back on the road to stardom.
But, the good thing about Country Comfort is that you can pick it up now and leave satisfied as the show ended with all of the plot threads closed.
After Boone announced he was walking away from the competition to go on tour with Keith Urban, he left Baily without a band to accompany her. Despite trying to pull out of the competition, Baily did perform in the end singing “Bless the Broken Road” with four of Beau’s children.
The second season should reveal whether or not Bailey won the competition. But without Boone, Bailey still doesn’t have a band to accompany her, so we may see more of Beau’s children joining Bailey for future performances.
If the show does return, we can also expect the core cast to return so cast such as Katharine McPhee, Eddie Cibrian, Ricardo Hurtado, Jamie Martin Man, Griffin McIntyre, Shilo Welyco, Piper Brown, Summer Janet Verney, Eric Balfour will definitely return if they are still up for it and their schedule wills it.
But until then, the show is officially cancelled and gone into the wind. But don’t worry, you can check out more awesome show right here at The Awesome One!