365 Days 2 confirmed? First and foremost, the success of the sexy picture prompted the filmmakers to begin production on a sequel, which is scheduled to be released in 2022. However, Netflix decided to stream the controversial Polish film despite various obstacles, and the controversial drama became an immediate hit.
In addition, two sequels are currently in development. Following its release, 365 Days swiftly rose to the top of Netflix’s most-watched films list for the year 2020.
Because of this, Netflix (Now You See Me) stepped in with both feet and put it under its production banner to develop future episodes. Consequently, the subsequent two sequels will be distributed as Netflix (The One) Originals in the United States. There will be a trilogy of films based on this story, with the second installment now in production at Netflix.
The novel from the book series on which the film is found will be made into a film version of the same name. Manufacturing was scheduled to begin in Sicily in August 2020, according to plans. However, due to the global epidemic, it was postponed in the year.
The Release Date of 365 Days 2

2022 will see the release of 365 Days 2. Both future sequels will be shot in Poland and Italy simultaneously, beginning filming in May 2021. In addition, after Netflix (Ragnarok) bought the film, they decided against releasing it in theaters as planned. It’ll only be available on Netflix instead. There is no official release date yet, but it will be available on Netflix (Real Steel) in 2022.
The Cast of 365 Days 2
In 365 days 2 sequels to come, the original cast members will return. Michele Morrone will reprise her role as Massimo, and Anna-Maria Sieklucka will take on the part of Laura. Barbara Bialowas and Tomasz Mandes will return to direct the sequel.
Magdalena Lamparska, who played Olga in the first film, returns to the role. And OtarSaralidze is back as Dominico. Many new actors and models will join the ensemble, including Simone Susinna, a model and actress who will play Nacho.
It’s left unclear whether Laura will make it out of the first film’s cliffhanger. There will be a sequel to Laura and Massimo’s story, implying that she is still alive and well. Massimo proposes to Laura, and she accepts. When Marcelo “Nacho” Matos joins the team, new issues will arise as the team reunites.
He intends to gain Laura’s trust and devotion by making an enigmatic entrance. Laura begins to develop feelings for him as he puts the relationship between Massimo and Laura to the test. Many of the show’s viewers are aware of Massimo’s feelings for Laura and may have a good idea of what he would do to win her back.
The Plot of 365 Days 2
After all, there are two more novels in the series on which the film is based, so there’s a good chance Laura will make it out alive. After all, the cliffhanger at the end of “365 Days” isn’t much of a cliffhanger, considering that the film is based on two more novels. In the second book, Massimo and Laura begin a new chapter in their lives together.
The couple gets married after he learns of her pregnancy. However, things get complicated when Marcelo “Nacho” Matos (Susinna) pulls a Massimo and kidnaps Laura (Julia Roberts). (Please don’t do this in the future!) As a result, she finds herself falling for Nacho as well. Voilà! Almost immediately, a love triangle develops. Laura and the baby’s lives are in danger, and there is speculation that Massimo may have an evil twin brother.
The film appears to be equally as heated and messy (if not more so) than its predecessor; nonetheless, this “hot” aspect has kept viewers coming back, and more of the same is planned for Part 3. The Hollywood Reporter reports that some of the disturbing themes from the first film may be alleviated by taking a more cautious approach under Netflix‘s oversight. The public will not be able to find out until next year if this is the case.