Based on the 2013 film of the same name, “A Teacher”, is a drama television miniseries that premiered in November 2020 on Hulu. A lot of people are asking for A Teacher Season 2 as it follows Claire, a high school teacher who crosses the line by developing a romantic and sexual relationship with one of her male students, Eric. A favorite among critics and fans, the series hooks its audience through the exploration of the complex, dangerous, and ramifications of a predatory and unbalanced relationship.
The show was also created by the same director and writer of the original film Hannah Fidell and with such pedigree, it should make sense that it will get another season, right?
Well, you don’t have to peep around and risk detention, we are here to tell you everything you need to know about A Teacher Season 2.
Will there be A Teacher Season 2?

Unfortunately, another season of A Teacher Season 2 is off the teacher’s desk. In an interview with The Wrap, the main star Kate Mara confirms that the show will not be renewed.
“I wish we were doing three more seasons of it, but I don’t know how we would continue unless there was no time passing at all, because we’re both playing sort of older than we are [at the end]….Hopefully it opens the door to breaking stereotypes and opens the door to telling more stories from different points of view. This one, specifically coming from the male victim’s point of view, is very, very rare and important because then it makes it less, hopefully, less taboo for men who have had experiences where they are the so-called ‘survivor victim,’ that it’s less rare to talk about.”
It’s obvious for Kate Mara and Hannah Fidell who are invested in the show success see that shows like A Teacher is one-and-done show and we won’t even get into the usual speculation of whether or not A Teacher Season 2 is possible or not.
We do know the show ended in a very painful cliffhanger that leaves more room for stories to be told as it is a time jump 10 years after the event of the story where Eric and Claire coincidentally bump into each other. Although it may seem like the two have moved on, the deeper impact of their respective traumas paint a fresh picture. If another story based on A Teacher Season 2 ever happens, it won’t be the same story continuing the trauma but the aftermath of the story that was left blank between the 10 years time jump.
A Teacher doesn’t confine itself with cliches and tried to be as realistic as possible. With each episode beginning and ending with a content warning along with Fidell collaborating with RAINN to provide resources for viewers that are survivors of sexual assault. It is something difficult to watch, but it seemed for Fidell it was really important that the show is as truthful as possible because it deals with a very sensitive topic that has to be handled very, very carefully.
While it may be that such content could make the show difficult to watch and leaves no room for a potential second season, it’s probably for the best as A Teacher ends with Eric saying to Claire that they both have to live with what happened for the rest of their lives.
“I wish we were doing three more seasons of it,” Mara said, “but I don’t know how we would continue unless there was no time passing at all, because we’re both playing sort of older than we are [at the end].”, elaborate Kate Mara further in The Wrap interview.
Even though we will never get A Teacher Season 2, the show should inspire other creators and actors to tell a more truthful and realistic story of abuse that a lot of people have to face. As Kate Mara said at the end of her interview with The Wrap,
“I think breaking stereotypes is so important and it’s one of the great things about the business that we’re in that we’re able to tell stories from different points of view and hopefully open the door to people looking at things differently and having more empathy and compassion for different ways of life. That is the hope.”
And we shared the same hope with Kate Mara so keep yourself up to date with more inspiring and realistic show here at The Awesome One!