Killing Bites, also known as Kiringu Baitsu, is a sci-fi series made in Japan. It is an anime adaptation of the manga of the same name and was written by Shinya Murata. The series has a total of twelve episodes produced by Liden Films. will Killing Bites Season 2 return? The series became a worthy hit and was even adapted into video games. It first aired in January 2018 and ended in March of the same year.
The series was a huge hit and received positive comments from the show’s viewers. Since then, fans have been demanding a second season as it has been three years since its initial release. However, there has been no update regarding the second season of the show by the makers. This has made the fans desperate. As time went on, fans kept wondering if they would ever see the second season of the show.
So, here are all the details we have about Killing Bites Season 2.
Killing Bites Season 1 Overview
Sometimes girls with animal ears and features are not so cute. One day, college student Yuuya Nomoto was driving his friends when they caught a high school girl walking alone and using her phone in the middle of the night. They tried to rape her and started tearing her clothes. Little do they know what terrible fate awaits them. Yuuya Nomoto started to panic because he didn’t know that his friends would kidnap a girl, but they told him that he was involved in this crime just like they are, and they would let him have some fun too after they were done.
Refusing to do so, he hit the brakes only to find that all his friends had suddenly gone silent. He wonders what happened, the girl immediately told him to go where he said. He asks her about what happened to the others and she tells him that everyone except her is now dead and the one responsible for tearing them all apart was the girl herself. They tore her clothes and she tore their bodies in return.
Yuuya realized that if he didn’t do what she says, he would also die. He had to go to a strange place where there was nothing but trash and countless corpses. The sight frightened Yuuya and what happened next was even more terrifying.
This is how the anime “Killing bites” first came out.
Killing Bites Season 2: Release Date
Until now, there is no information regarding the schedule for Killing Bites Season 2 by Liden Films. Because this anime is one of the most popular anime both among young people and adults.
The first season of Killing Bites was such a huge hit that it led to fans demanding more from the show’s creators. For the past three years, they’ve been asking for details for its second season. However, creators have kept their mouth shut, which has caused the fandom’s curiosity to only bloom. Unfortunately, the production has not yet released any announcements for the second season. However, fans are still hopeful that they will see another season of the show as there hasn’t been any statement on cancellation. since this show has a pretty demanding fan base, we can hope to see the second season sooner or later.
One other important question is whether the creators have enough source material to pull a second season. the answer to that is yes. As previously mentioned, the series is based on the manga. The manga started in 2013 and since then, it has released a total of 16 volumes and is still ongoing. In addition, the first season of the show adapted a total of 6 books, so they have more than enough source material to make a few more seasons.
So, can we say that the anime is coming back? This anime has a huge fanbase, so Liden’s production could make profit by releasing a second season. On top of that, they have enough materials and resources to power a second season on the spot.
Fans can even expect an announcement later this year itself regarding the fate of the anime series.
Killing Bites Season 2: Cast
Going by the first season and how it ends and looking at Yūya Nomoto, it’s likely we’ll see him fight Hitomi to get his revenge. We will also possibly get our questions answered.
We will also see Hitomi Nomoto as our second protagonist who betrays Yuya by following the orders of his guardian Shido.
Killing Bites Season 2 Trailer
Until now, there is no official trailer for killing bites season 2, for fans who want to watch the first season of this anime, we have put the link for the trailer.