Thermae Romae Novae is a hilarious bathhouse comedy by mangaka Mari Yamazaki. It follows the story of Lucius, a Roman bath designer who is hit by a creator’s block, thus stopping him from coming up with new ideas.
Thermae Romae Novae Anime Release Date
On Tuesday, Netflix announced that in 2021 a new adaptation of the bathhouse comedy “Thermae Romae” with the title “Thermae Romae Novae” will be started, which will re-implement Mari Yamazaki’s comedy manga about a Roman stranded in Japan. In addition to well-known manga material, the adaptation should also contain new stories from the original author. The whole thing will be created at Studio NAZ (Id: Invaded, Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion, Hamatora The Animation).
Lucius worked as a bathroom designer in the Roman Empire. Due to an accident, he travels to modern Japan and learns a lot about the bathing culture there.
The original “Thermae Romae” manga ran from January 2008 to March 2013 in Comic-Beam magazine and in 2012 inspired a three-episode anime and two live-action films. In this country, neither the manga nor the earlier moving images are available.
Thermae Romae Novae Visual

In ancient Rome, renowned architect Lucius is down on his luck. He has been fired because his style of buildings is unfashionable, and all the bathhouses in the city are noisy, boisterous places that no longer prioritize relaxation. To get some peace and quiet, he sinks below the surface of the water, the only place where his fellow bathers’ chatter can’t reach him, but a powerful drain pulls him into the depths!
Upon emerging, he finds himself in a vastly different bathhouse, and though the architect believes it’s just the slaves’ quarter, he’s actually been pulled through time to modern-day Japan! Now, armed with the knowledge of these strange new baths, Lucius is determined to restore his reputation and revolutionize the Roman bathing culture!