HBO has aired ‘Chillin Island‘, this series has an unscripted show. The show will follow different rappers and artists as they travel through various regular scenes to “Uncover the infinite truths of the fantasy state of human relations.” Let’s check out if Chillin Island Season 2 will be renewed or not!
An unscripted six-episode HBO series, Chillin Island, from executive producers Josh Safdie and Sebastian Bear-McClard of Elara Pictures, team at DreamCrew, and co-produced by Spotify, debuts Friday, December 17 (10:30-23:00 ET / PT).
The series is based on a radio show described as “Howard Stern if he was on K” and variety web series set up by Alec Reinstein, otherwise known as Despot, and Aleksey Weintraub, otherwise known as Lakutis and Ashok Kondabolu of Das Racist.
It is reported that Chillin Island will be renewed by HBO for a second season. Here’s everything we know about Chillin Island Season 2
What is Chillin Island About?

HBO is currently airing a superlative show about the serendipity and possibility of life, and the unexpected discoveries that can emerge through conversation and openness. That show, “How to With John Wilson,” finds a new timeslot partner, and a seeming companion piece, in “Chillin Island,” a series that uses unpolished chats between its hosts and guest stars to attempt to draw out grander revelations.
But where “How to” is scrappy, beginning with humble ambitions and arriving at startling conclusions, “Chillin Island,” whose executive producers include director Josh Safdie, is self-consciously grandiose. New Yorkers Alec “Despot” Reinstein, Ashok “Dap” Kondabolu, and Aleksey “Lakutis” Weintraub travel to natural settings (deserts, swamps, the open ocean) with recording artists with the stated mission of uncovering truths about humanity through discussion. What they arrive at is often a faux-profundity that rankles and irritates more than it could possibly enlighten.
Part of this is the inevitable conclusion of a show that can feel heavy-handed and semi-staged. Situations, like a dune buggy crash from which the rapper Young Thug is depicted as rescuing our central trio or a runner about a mythical Yeti in the swampland, can feel contrived. And the insights drawn from the guests often feel unworth the time the viewer’s being asked to invest. A conversation about whether Big Bird was one person or multiple people inside a single bird suit is at least lighthearted. The rapper Lil Yachty passionately detailing how humanity’s ills all come down to overpopulation, the result of medicines that he says should not be available to us, has the boring feeling of being trapped with a conversationalist who’s both ill-informed and, worse, uninterestingly so. “Chillin Island” may satisfy hardcore fans of its central personalities; newcomers curious about just what they get out of their high-profile guests will likely be badly disappointed.
Chillin Island Season 2: Release Date

So far, HBO hasn’t decided whether to renew or cancel Chillin Island for a second season. So, we hope this show gets the green light from HBO .
If the show is properly updated, it will likely air in late 2022 or early 2023.
Chillin Island Season 2: Cast

The show will feature Young Thug, Lil Yachty, Gunna, Coi Leray, Lil Tecca, Killer Mike, Ski Mask the Slump God, and Ezra Koening from Vampire Weekend. despite not appearing in the trailer, Rosalia will also appear on the show. The show is based on the web series by Ashok Kondabolu (Dapwell of Das Racist), Lakutis (Aleksey Weintraub), and Despot (Alec Reinstein), who will also appear in upcoming HBO series.
Chillin Island Season 2 Trailer
Until now HBO has not released an official trailer for Chillin Island Season 2, for readers who want to watch the first season of Chillin Island, we have provided the trailer above. Enjoy!