Based on Stephen King’s classic novel and adapted from a movie, will The Mist season 2 ever happen?
That’s probably what people are asking, after The Mist season 1 was released on June 22, 2017, on Spike.
The Mist only got 5.4 out of 10 score in IMDB. While Rotten Tomatoes gives it 60% critic ratings.
Stephen King (Castle Rock) first published its novel with the same title in 1980. This follows a story about a group of people who are trapped in a supermarket when a mysterious mist shrouds all over the town. It is revealed that a monster is inside the mist, so there’s no way they can get out.
Drama, tension, and fight starts in that group of people, and the problem inside the supermarket becomes bigger than it is outside in the mist.
In 2007, the movie successfully adapted the novel. But the series seems facing a different fate. After not-so-positive responses that the TV series got, will it move forward with The Mist season 2?

Will The Mist Season 2 Return?
Although this TV series get many critics, some fans still want to know what would happen in The Mist season 2, since the first season ends with a cliffhanger.
But unfortunately, the network Spike has officially canceled The Mist season 2, so the season one will be the only and final season. This statement was announced just shortly after The Mist season one ended.
This decision is probably because of the mixed reviews and receptions of the first season. This series has a good story and great potential, but lack of execution. Therefore if giant streaming platform like Netflix or Hulu (Mr. Mayor) wants to pick up where it left off, it’s still possible that we will see The Mist season 2.
But until then, don’t hope too much.
What Should Happen in The Mist Season 2
Although The Mist season 2 is officially canceled, let’s take a look at what could happen in season 2 and what it can do to correct what they are missing in season one.
Season 2 is expected to explain the origin of the mist. In the novel and movie, the origin never really explained and everything is just vague. What is it? Why is it created? Where does it come from?
Some suggest that it comes from a failed military experiment, but we never know for sure.
And since many characters in season one are dead, The Mist season 2 more likely will show new characters and a new story.
Screenrant noted that the showrunner Christian Torpe said that the next season would’ve explored Project Arrowhead with more details, as well as the origin of the mist itself.
The Mist series is also lack of threatening violence, which the novel is all about. The mist in the series only tends to drive people crazy rather than about the terrifying monsters inside the mist, just like originally written by Stephen King and also in the movie.
So clearly, viewers prefer tense and violence of the original The Mist story, rather than just drama and reckless characters.
Why The Mist Failed
All those expectations for The Mist season 2 explain why this series failed. Although it is adapted from a popular novel, but how the network Spike wrongly handled the production is the main reason why The Mist failed.
Lack of action and unlikeable characters in season 1 are another factors why The Mist season 2 is very unlikely. Except if there is another streaming platform that can (and wants to) create the next season in a much much better way.
Is It Worth to Watch?
That being said, is The Mist series worth to watch?
If you like an intense and terrifying story, you might want to check this one out. But don’t expect too much, as it won’t be as good as the movie.
But other than that, this TV show still has a huge fan base, so you probably want to give it a chance and you can judge it yourself.
So here’s the trailer before you decided to watch it.