Marvel, since it first released their masterpiece on October 1st, 1939, had shown us a lot of characters with their own unique presence. Not only their appearances, but also their backstory until their action makes fans mesmerized. Here is our list of Top 10 Marvel’s Most Powerful Characters!
10) Doctor Strange

In 10th place, we have Doctor Strange. Yep, the person who has the Time Stone in his hand is indeed one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe. Not only because he has the ability to control the timeline, but he is the Sorcerer Supreme, the magic guy, the world’s most powerful magician.
His mastery of magic is unrivaled, allowing him to achieve feats such as levitation, teleportation, time travel, astral projection, spatial travel, and a slew of other awesome magical things. So we can say, although he doesn’t have any special physical power, this guy can do almost anything! Do not forget that he is also the guy who beat Galactus!
9) Captain Marvel

The fact that she is so far more powerful in the comics than the big screen adaptation may have shocked some new fans or the general audience of MCU. Captain Marvel, or also known as Carol Danvers, has some power and ability that sadly hasn’t been explored in her solo movie. Such as, apart from being insanely powerful, invincible, capable of interplanetary travel, and capable of shooting photon beams at people, is also precognitive. She can also manipulate and absorb radiation and magic, as well as control gravity and light.
As Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige told us before, “Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character as we’ve ever put in a movie. Her powers are off the charts, and when she’s introduced, she will be by far the strongest character we’ve ever had.” Well, he is not wrong!
8) Mikaboshi

The appearances may remind us a little bit of Venom. Mikaboshi, is the Japanese deity of evil and chaos, is a more abstract entity than Odin. Immortality, reality manipulation, stealth, strength, healing, endurance, shape-shifting, and other abilities are among his many. At this point, we can’t be sure what else this creature can do and we are excited to see the other power Mikaboshi possessed!
7) Scarlet Witch

WandaVision has gained a lot of attention from MCU’s fans since its first episode. It shows us a lot of sides of Wanda Maximoff. But actually, how strong is she?
While the Wanda Maximoffs of movie and comic books have different origins, each wield enormous power. She has the ability to fly, blast foes with energy, and perform telekinesis and telepathy. She can also perform probability-altering hexes and chaos magic, but her most powerful skill is to change the fundamental fabric of reality itself.
Wanda faced Thanos twice in the movies and came through unscathed. The terrible witch Agatha persuaded WandaVision that she could ruin the world. While other characters on the list have been known to ruin planets, Wanda’s capacity to psychically control reality itself elevates her beyond them.
6) Cyttorak

If you think Strange is already your number one most powerful character in MCU, then you should consider this one because this guy here is the source of magic for a lot of elite magicians in Marvel Universe, including The Time Stone Master. Cyttorak is a powerful deity who may be the most powerful magical entity in the Marvel world. Within his Crimson Cosmos, he is omnipotent.
5) Phoenix Force

Other than Cyttorak, we also have Phoenix Force. The Phoenix Force is a strong cosmic entity and the primary universal force of life that takes on many hosts, most notably Jean Grey, Rachel Grey, Emma Frost, and Professor X. One fact, it fought Galactus on its own! It has the ability to absorb energy, such as a being’s life force or the energy of the sun.
4) Proteus

In his natural form, Proteus is a creature composed entirely of energy, which essentially renders him eternal. But this does not make him a cosmic being. Regrettably, he requires human hosts to feed on from time to time. When he’s finished with them, there’ll be nothing but zombies.
Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert) is another Omega-level mutant with the ability to bend reality. With a thought, he can travel anyplace in the Marvel universe and multiverse, construct force fields, manipulate chemicals to some extent, and terraform planets. He is one of the rare creatures that has the ability to go to the Astral Plane. His telepathic and telekinetic skills are unrivaled.
3) Living Tribunal

On our number 3 from Top 10 Marvel’s Most Powerful Characters, we have the character that was made by Stan Lee, Herb Trimpe, and Marie Severin. The Living Tribunal is so strong that even Thanos, armed with the Infinity Gauntlet, will not challenge him to a fight. His power is unlimited, and he has the ability to wipe whole worlds from existence. The Living Tribunal, on the other hand, has perished battling Beyonder before.
2) Beyonder

He is the person who beat Living Tribunal at his mercy. Yes, he is Beyonder. Beyonder, a near-omnipotent and enormously strong creature, first seen in Secret Wars #1. He is so powerful that he has all of the Marvel abstractions, celestials, supreme cosmic creatures. He is only second to One-Above-All.
1) One-Above-All

Finally! Our number one on the list! One-Above-All, who made his debut in Doctor Strange #13, is the most powerful and mysterious figure in the Marvel Universe. He is thought to symbolize Marvel’s creators and has assumed the shape of Jack Kirby. The One-Above-All is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present.
That’s all for our Top 10 Marvel’s Most Powerful Characters! Are your favorites on the list? Or do you have your own most powerful character? Tell us in the comment section below!