In the dark and dangerous moment of war, Hermione decided to wipe her parents’ memories of her. But what is the reason exactly why Hermione Obliviates her parents?
In the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, there is this dramatic and heartbreaking scene where Hermione Obliviates her parents, thus erase her parents’ memories about her. We can also see that Hermione disappears in the family pictures in the living room, and everything that shows her existence is erased.
This movie is based on a book with the same title by J.K. Rowling. Hermione Granger (played by Emma Watson, who also appears in Beauty and The Beast) is one of Harry Potter’s best friends, along with Ronald Weasley.
Although Mr. and Mrs. Granger do not play any significant role throughout the story of Harry Potter franchise, we know a little bit about their background story. Hermione is what some people might call Mudblood, in which a witch or a wizard was born from Muggles (a non-witch or wizard). Since Hermione’s parents are Muggles, they do not know anything about magic therefore they don’t appear much in the story.

Working as dentists outside of London, however, Hermione’s parents really support their daughter being a witch, despite they have no clue about it. Although Hermione’s parents are not a witch or wizard themselves, they often accompany Hermione to Diagon Alley.
Since they know nothing about the wizardry world, it is likely they have no idea what danger is coming to their daughter.
So in the first part of the last movie of Harry Potter, as Second Wizarding War is about to start and Hermione is going to find Voldermort’s horcruxes with Harry and Ron, Hermione Obliviates her parents, so that her parents do not remember about her. Instead, Hermione gives them new identities as Wendell and Monica Wilkins, a couple without a daughter, and they are about to move to Australia.
But what is exactly the reason why Hermione Obliviates her parents?
Why Hermione Obliviates Her Parents?

Lord Voldemort and the gang literally will do anything to get what they want and get rid of anything that is on their way, even if it is by killing people, including Muggles. It means that Hermione’s parents could be in danger by Voldemort and the Death Eaters, in order to lure Harry Potter to surrender himself.
That’s why, in order to protect their parents, Hermione thinks that it is better for their parents not to have any information about her, her friends, or wizarding world, and to never remember her as their daughter, and move to Australia. It is such a selfless action and Hermione sacrifices never see her parents again if that means her parents can be safe.
That turns out to be the right decision, because not long after her parents have gone to Australia, a Death Eater Corban Yaxley comes to their house to find information, but the house is empty. If Hermione didn’t do what she did, and her parents is brought back to the Death Eaters, the story would be different, and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be somehow surrender to the Dark Lord. Well, we’ll never know.
There is another reason why Hermione Obliviates her parents. Hermione can predict that she may not survive the war. Erasing the memories of her can prevent her parents from suffering and grieving for losing their daughter, in case Hermione cannot survive. So it is better for them not knowing that Hermione exists once and for all.
What’s the Difference Between The Book and The Movie?

There is a slight difference between the book and the movie. In the movie, Hermione Obliviates her parents which can be interpreted that it is done permanently. All of Hermione’s photos and other proof of her existence are wiped as well.
While in the original story in the book, Hermione does not use Obliviate charm, but instead only a false memory charm, which is easier to be reserved. She intends to come back and finds her parents once everything is safe and the war is over. But in the meantime, it would be safer for them not knowing about Hermione, so the Death Eaters cannot track who are the Muggles that related to her.
What Happens at The End?
Hermione has the intention to eventually return to her home and meet her parents, although she might need to wait and make sure that it is safe before coming back home. However, this might not be the case in the movie, since she Obliviates her parents which can make them forget about her permanently.
However, the author J.K. Rowling has confirmed that Hermione, in fact, tries to find her parents immediately after the war has ended. She gives back their memories of her, and they live happily just like before.
Years later, Mr. and Mrs. Granger become grandparents to two children after Hermione and Ron got married. They are also very proud of her daughter who later becomes the Minister of Magic.